The successful application of scintigraphy is dependent on direct or indirect labelling of a component of the dosage form with a suitable gamma-emitting radioisotope such as Technetium- 99m or Indium-111. The plot opposite shows the correlation between recovered drug and radiolabel following a Pharmacopoeial inertial impaction test of a pharmaceutical aerosol. The radiolabel distribution was determined using the gamma camera and the drug was quantified using a validated UV-HPLC assay.

Depending upon the study objectives, protocols may include regional or whole body imaging using planar scintigraphy, or SPECT techniques. The scintigraphic analysis can also be complimented with expertise in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations, drug assay development and bio-analysis.
In the respiratory tract the performance of delivery systems is assessed by evaluation of deposition in the central and peripheral regions of the lungs and extra- pulmonary deposition in the mouth and oropharynx. Furthermore, physiological functions such as mucociliary clearance may be studied using this technique. Gamma scintigraphy is also routinely used to characterise drug delivery from oral dosage forms, factors such as gastric residence / emptying, gastrointestinal transit and the site of disintegration/dispersion can be determined.
The successful application of scintigraphy is dependent on direct or indirect labelling of a component of the dosage form with a suitable gamma-emitting radioisotope such as Technetium- 99m or Indium-111.The plot opposite shows the correlation between recovered drug and radiolabel following a Pharmacopoeial inertial impaction test of a pharmaceutical aerosol. The radiolabel distribution was determined using the gamma camera and the drug was quantified using a validated UV-HPLC assay.

Depending upon the study objectives, protocols may include regional or whole body imaging using planar scintigraphy, or SPECT techniques. The scintigraphic analysis can also be complimented with expertise in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations, drug assay development and bio-analysis.

In the respiratory tract the performance of delivery systems is assessed by evaluation of deposition in the central and peripheral regions of the lungs and extra- pulmonary deposition in the mouth and oropharynx. Furthermore, physiological functions such as mucociliary clearance may be studied using this technique.Gamma scintigraphy is also routinely used to characterise drug delivery from oral dosage forms, factors such as gastric residence / emptying, gastrointestinal transit and the site of disintegration/dispersion can be determined.